Terms and Conditions of acceptance for leaflet, magazine and other item distribution
- The placing of an order for distribution constitutes an assurance by the Client that: (a) the material to be distributed (the leaflet, magazine or other items) does not contain anything which is dangerous, constitutes an infringement of copyright, or is defamatory, obscene of otherwise illegal: (b) all necessary authority and permission has been secured in respect of the use in the leaflet or pictorial representation of (purporting to be of) living persons and of words attributed to living persons.
- Copy shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful, shall comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority.
- The Company reserves the right to require a copy to be amended to meet its approval and to omit or suspend the distribution of any leaflet, magazine or other items at its sole discretion.
- Leaflets, magazines or other items must be securely packed of regular quantities and clearly marked. Three Colours Ltd reserves the right to make an additional charge of £2 per thousand for leaflets incorrectly packed or to refuse to deliver such material, at its absolute discretion.
- The leaflets, magazines or other items must be delivered to Three Colours Ltd specified delivery address no later than times specified. Deliveries should be made during normal working hours. The Company reserves the right to make and additional charge of £25 in respect of material supplied to the Company after the deadline or to refuse to deliver such material, at its absolute discretion.
- The leaflets, magazines or other items submitted for distribution must bear an imprint if such is required.
- Three Colours Ltd is under no obligation to check the quantity of material supplied for distribution nor to accept the accuracy of any information shown on any delivery notes of the Client or the Client’s delivery agent, but will so far as reasonably possible notify the Client if the amount of material falls short or exceeds the requirements of the agreed distribution.
- The Client agrees to indemnify Three Colours Ltd in respect of all costs, damages or other charges falling upon Three Colours Ltd as the result of legal action or threatened legal action arising from the publication and/or distribution of the leaflet, magazine or other items.
- Cancellation must be notified in writing to Three Colours Ltd seven working days prior to the distribution date. Cancellations for orders not so notified will be charged at a rate of (50%) of the value of the original order.
- Three Colours Ltd will not be responsible for the production costs of leaflets, magazines or other items or loss of business or any other loss or damage howsoever arising occasioned by non-delivery or delay in the distribution of leaflets, magazines or other items for whatever reason, save as stated in Clause.
- Evidence of non-delivery, in the form of specific addresses of those who have not received the material, must be furnished to Three Colours Ltd within 3 days of the distribution date. If the evidence proves that there has been a total or partial failure of delivery Three Colours Ltd shall refund the proportional cost of delivery to the Client but shall not incur any other liability whatsoever to the Client.
- All bookings are Prepayment unless an agreed account is in place in which case payment terms are to be seven days net from the date of Invoice.
- Unless otherwise stated, distribution will normally take place with the specified publication, to the individual addresses which usually receive the publication within the area and on the date(s) scheduled. This does not necessarily imply 100% penetration of all addresses within the area. A tolerance of 2% under or over the total to be distributed is allowed within the agreed charge.
- The delivery of the leaflets, magazines or other items for the distribution to Three Colours Ltd shall be the responsibility of the Client. Should leaflets, magazines or other items surplus to the distribution requirements be delivered to Three Colours Ltd it is the Client’s responsibility that these are collected otherwise they will be disposed of within seven days of the distribution having taken place.
- The Company shall not be liable for any failure to deliver or delay in delivery of the leaflets, magazines or other items arising from circumstances outside its control, including but not limited to lock-outs, fire, accidents, defective material, and delays in receipt of raw materials or bought-in goods or components.
- No person who is not a party to this order shall have the right to enforce any term of these conditions.
- Risk in the leaflets, magazines or other items shall remain with the Client when the leaflets. Magazines or other items are delivered to the Company.
- The placing of an order for distribution shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions and any conditions stipulated on the Client’s own order form or elsewhere by the Client be void insofar as they are in conflict with them.